Plagiarism Policy

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Plagiarism Policy

The journal’s acceptable maximum similarity index (SI) after plagiarism check is 12%. Author(s) with SI between 13 to 30% will be advised to review their manuscript(s) to bring the SI to 12% or below. Manuscript(s) with SI of 30% and above shall be outrightly rejected. The plagiarism check shall exclude items that rarely contribute to similarity index such as authors’ names and addresses, Tables, Figures, Plates and References. Where sentences and paragraphs are lifted from published and other sources and placed in the manuscript especially in the Introduction, Results, Discussion and Conclusion without putting them in quotes and acknowledging the sources, the manuscript shall be returned to the author(s) to rework in order to bring down the SI to 12% or below. Where the high matches are in the Methodology, the Editorial Committee shall determine if they are procedures or protocols that are universally similar in translation/interpretation and author(s) shall not be penalized.

Authors are advised to check the SI of their manuscripts using the free version of the Journal’s plagiarism checker (Quetext) at before submission to NJM.